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Starting price: $275 CAD / DAY

Quality Inn and Suites - Yuma Room Hotel -


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Welcome to the friendliest hotel in Saskatoon, where exceptional service, comfortable accommodations, and top-notch amenities are all standard in this "Hidden Gem". We are minutes from the airport, the University of Saskatchewan, other local businesses and attractions. From our 4 fully equipped meeting rooms and a comfortable place to sleep or a work-out in the fitness center or enjoy a drink in RG’s Lounge, it is our goal to always offer superior customer care. So give us a call to book your meeting to


  • A/C
  • Business Center
  • Carpeting
  • Full Bar/Lounge
  • Wheelchair Access
  • On-Site Catering
  • Parking
  • Wi-Fi
  • Coffee / Tea
  • Teleconferencing


Reviews - (0.0 / 5)